"Whoever controls Berlin, controls Germany.
Whoever controls Germany, controls Europe"
Karl Marx


military (history) writing

I have been a history buff for quite a few years now and in my retirement I have finally got the time to do something a bit more serious about it.

Note: This page is new and in the early stages of construction (December 2013)


Web pages

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War Tourist, albeit the younger of my three sites, has become the primary focus for my attention, primarily because the English language reaches out to more people.

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Krigsturist is a Danish language website and the first site, I created some eight years ago. It deals primarily with the Atlantic Wall and includes some locations in Norway. I have visited most of the locations over the years and done the photographing. Although thus the mother-site, it has not for some time now got the attention, it deserves. I will be one of my New Year pledges to do something about that.

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Regelbau is the orphan site that don't get much attention these days. I started out with a burning interest for bunkers and fortifications, but have since shifted much of my attention - and thus time - to the large land battles of the Second World War and above all; the Battle for Berlin.
However, I try to make updates on this page too now and then, as the amazing Regelbau concept is truly fascinating and - richly represented in many countries on the continent - an obvious target for battlefield tourism.


Facebook pages

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War Tourist Magazine started as the facebook representation of the online publication. It focuses on battlefield tourism in Europe and brings news and updates on what is happening on the museums and memorials.


Berlin Wartourist is dedicated to the history of the German capital, stretching over five decades, from 1939 to 1989-


War Tourist Magazine

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